Core Values

Double Dog Pose

Values are a guide in how we do things moment to moment but also can help direct our bigger decisions and visions at Anna Bruton Physiotherapy.
These are:

• Impeccable Service - I am committed to exceptional patient and client care, referrer confidence, client satisfaction and ensuring each encounter is a meaningful and worthwhile experience.

• 'Kaizen' - a Japanese term referring to continuous improvement- and in this context I refer to continual advancement of knowledge and learning both on personal and professional levels.

• Authenticity - being real and being present in the moment is important to make a meaningful connection and to be able to understand what brings a client to your practice in a holistic manner.

• Respect - I aim to interact with integrity, non-judgement, acceptance and compassion.

• Community - being involved and a part of a bigger group is extremely important and has a lot of research to show that it increases longevity and happiness. I love to be involved and am passionate in sharing whatever skills/ knowledge and experience that I can to promote health and wellness as well as connection between people.

• Sense of Humour - it sounds cliché but life is short and I enjoy (where appropriate and possible) to make my work and life a fun experience. Laughter is a great medicine.