Yoga with Anna

Yoga with Anna

I started yoga when I lost my voice for 6 months and found myself frustrated. I was then later diagnosed with an auto immune disease which gave me a stronger drive to help myself towards better health and balance in life. The immediate obvious benefits of yoga were the physical ones like greater strength, flexibility, postural awareness and coordination. But yoga also taught me about how to breathe and how to control the breath and to use this in combination with the movement to influence the state of the mind. I found it useful for slowing down my brain that goes like a propeller on a helicopter, and it therefore allowed me to find moments of clarity, intuition and greater connection with myself and others.

I practiced for years before my teacher training in Power Yoga with YOGA NRG Australia in 2014. It coupled well with my previous education and experience of being a physiotherapist and Pilates trained.

Yoga need not be daunting if you can’t touch your toes or have never meditated. Under my observant and experienced eye, you will find the practices taught are appropriating challenging and can be modified to suit you.

Classes are Power Yoga style with a fusion of both Pilates and Physio concepts, meaning they can be both dynamic and flowing as well as restorative and rehabilitative. Mindfulness is interwoven within all my yoga classes and I try to practice and share it where I can.

When you practice Power Yoga at your level regularly, you will start to notice the effects within a few weeks, both on and off your yoga mat.

What I offer:
• Outdoor yoga and mindfulness classes
• Private instruction
• Yoga for corporate, sporting, community or school groups
• Workshops
• Mums and bubs classes

For further enquiries for a personal package that would suit you or your organisation please contact me today.

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